Home Page Top, To Go To or Return to the NSC Website, click on www.nsc24.comFRANK JORDAN's YOUTUBE VIDEOS Frank Jordan is the Host, Writer and Executive Producer of the "Frank Jordan' YouTube Videos and "Frank Jordan's Healthy, Wealthy and Wise Commentaries" formerly heard Nationwide Tonya Smikal is Director, Videographer and Editor of the YouTube Videos. Click on Frank Jordan' Commentaries and Podcasts by Subjects A to G and H to Z for a listing summary by subject. Videos Feature , Various Health and Inspirational Subjects Including NSC IMMUNITION Products (2:40 - 3:10 minutes) ALERT: Watch this brief YouTube video on Mold and Flooding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsSS1aiTJoQ Frank Jordan is Research Director and CEO of Nutritional Scientific Corporation
What is MG Beta Glucan in NSC 24 Original and NSC 100 Xtra Strength? "What is MG Beta Glucan?"
Your Free Sample of Beta Glucan with Free Shipping is Available Now. To Learn More Just Click on: "Free Sample" The Immune Response and MG Beta Glucan: "Immune Response and B-Glucan" Micronization of MG Beta Glucan: "Glucan Micronization" Why Choose NSC IMMUNITION Products? "Why Choose NSC IMMUNITION Products?" Savings with NSC - NSC Club and Deep Discount Combo Pkgs: "NSC-24 Club & Combo Pkgs" How to Determine Beta Glucan Effectiveness: "Beta Glucan Effectiveness" Allergies, MG Beta Glucan and NSC IMMUNITION Allergy Formula: Chemotherapy and Beta Glucan: Cholesterol and Beta Glucan:
Circulatory System:
Circulation Health - Truckers, Commuters and Desk Folks: Cleansing: Common Colds: COQ10 and Beta Glucan: Digestive Issues & Digestive Enzymes: Flu/Influenza, the Immune System and Beta Glucan: Fungus Overgrowth and Probiotics: Holyistic Health (Body, Mind and Spirit): Immune Response & Nutrient Supplement Enhancement ALERT: Watch this brief YouTube video on Mold and Flooding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsSS1aiTJoQ Oral Proteolytic Enzymes & Inflammation: Probiotics, Digestion and the Immune Response: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD with Depression) Solving Insurmountable Problems: Vitamins and Minerals - Multiple: ******************************************************************************************************************************************************** NSC-24 IMMUNITION Original Formula MG Beta Glucan: NSC-100 IMMUNITION Extra Strength MG Beta Glucan: NSC IMMUNITION Allergy Formula: NSC IMMUNITION Caprylic Plus Formula with MG Beta Glucan (Fungus): NSC IMMUNITION Circulatory Formula: NSC IMMUNITION COQ10 and Beta Glucan: NSC IMMUNITION EyeCare Formula: NSC GOLD Multiple Vitamins and Minerals with Enzymes: NSC IMMUNITION ImmuCleanse (Cleansing): NSC IMMUNITION Immune Plus and the Immune Response: NSC IMMUNITION ImmZymes - Oral Proteolytic Enzymes: NSC ImmuSkin Cream (Skin): NSC IMMUNITION Joint & Tissue Formula: NSC IMMUNITION Milk Thistle with MG Beta Glucan (Liver/Energy): NSC IMMUNITION Pro Probiotic: NSC IMMUNITION Prostate Formula with MG Beta Glucan: NSC IMMUNITION Respiratory Formula: NSC IMMUNITION SuperZymes - Digestive Enzymes: NSC IMMUNITION Digestive Package: NSC IMMUTRITION Package - NSC-24 30ct, NSC Pro Probiotic & NSC Gold Multiple Pkg NSC Trucker's, Commuters and Desk Folk's Package Special: NSC-24 30ct, NSC Gold Multiple & NSC Circulatory Formula
The statements in the Frank Jordan' Commentaries and Videos voiced by Frank Jordan have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.
The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. Frank Jordan' YouTube Videos are scripted, directed and voiced by Frank Jordan, Research Director of Nutritional Scientific Corporation Director, Videographer and Editor: Tonya Smikal Assistant Videographer: Kayla Beran Note: Frank Jordan as Research Director is not a medical doctor. For personal medical diagnosis and advise see your personal health care provider. Frank, as an ordained minister, formed the Hope Inspiration Ministry (H I M) with his wife Connie, to help others help themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually. The website http://www.healthinspirationministry.com has helped thousands with Bible verses and spiritual aids in confronting daily health and spiritual challenges. The ministry is a way for them to give back and witness to others and is a non-contributory ministry. For Information on Frank Jordan
Speaking Engagements or to Discuss an Event featuring Frank Jordan, call
888-541-3997. This Frank Jordan website (www.frankjordan.com) is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered; however, this website is not intended to be a substitute for a professional consultation with a physician or a qualified health care provider or to offer medical or related professional advice. Frank Jordan, Doug Kaufmann, HWW Healthcare Professionals, NSC, its officers, directors, shareholders and/or employees or independent contractors, specifically disclaim any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, that is or may be incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any information contained on this website nor are they to be held responsible for any errors or omissions in this website. You should not use the information contained
herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing
any medication. You should read carefully all product packaging.
Questions pertaining to nutritional intervention for the prevention or treatment
of a disease cannot be answered. Questions oriented to prescribing or diagnosing
an illness are best addressed by a healthcare practitioner. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements or other products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, or prevent any disease. |
Last modified: 010220 |